Here I am on my most recent flight. So much to say. Have you ever had those moments like you are on top of the world , everything is going just as one would hope. I am a very positive person. Some people might even call me an optimist or others delusional. Either way I choose to look at it as living life.

Who am I. And what do I want out of life? Truth is I ask myself those questions often. “I Kelly ann, am a stylist”. One would think simply stated, as I dig deeper I can tell you. I am like no other. I love what and who I am. I love the way I choose to live my life. Even if it is not the life that others agree with. I have the ability to love people. I used to think I got that from my mothers side of the family. After spending more recent times with my fathers side of the family I see how much love they offer as well.
That being said, I believe that your ability to do or not do, is up to only you.

You can choose to go out and live your life the way you dream. Or you choose to just live in your dreams. I think every dream can become a reality. You may not find it today or tomorrow but that doesn’t mean you stop looking.

In my life I have had some crazy moments. Bear attack, car jacking a recent break in as I was sleeping in a hotel. Yep we all get thrown curves. And it likely won’t end there. But I got up. When people tell me no I say just watch me.

Today I am returning from the west. I had the absolute pleasure of sharing a concept of hairstyling by the principles of design anchored on a face shapes. It is a program which like me keeps growing.
Everytime I put myself out there I am rewarded by each stylist I meet. Each new venture brings new friendships. I can go on and tell you how grateful I am, to each and every person who gave me a chance. ( let me tell you there were and are so many )

I am nothing without my experiences, Without my chance meetings, My formed friendships, and my loves lost.
Believe in yourself, Growth is positive.

Learn from your mistakes, Take the challenge, be grateful to those who support and assist your goals. I promise you with every new experience new doors will open.